Services myLab


The online management of calibration gases

myLab – the Customer Portal

myLab is the customer portal from Messer, which supports you in your laboratory with stock managing stock and with safe handling of gases. 

myLab provides:

  • Online information on the products you have ordered
  • Option to download certificates and safety data sheets of your calibration gases
  • Overview on the product specifications and safety data sheets of your standard gas products
  • Information on the stability period of your calibration gases
  • Automatic notification as soon as the stability period one of your calibration gases  expires 
  • Reorder function.

Online access to certificates and safety data sheets

The certificates of calibration gases contain all important data on the gas mixture, in particular the composition and its uncertainty, the stability period as well as information on the container. In the data sheets of standard products information about the specifications are provided. The safety data sheets include all relevant information on the properties and the safe handling of our products.

How to become a myLab user?

In order to use the myLab service, you must be registered at myLab. Please contact us to learn more about the possibilities and conditions of using myLab.

Specialty gase page


Do you have high standards? We do, too. Specialty gases from Messer

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